3 Steps to Effective Networking When Looking for a Board Director Role

Helpful tips for curating networking opportunities to achieve your board of directors goals

3 Steps to Effective Networking When Looking for a Board Director Role

Networking: The action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts.

Increasing professional networking on your journey to a board director role is imperative. But there are strategic steps to expanding your network and making a name for yourself in the business community since it is a timely endeavor that you can most efficiently navigate if you have a plan of action. 

Step one of your board journey starts with clarifying your objectives and establishing your goals with a personal value proposition (PVP). The ideal board opportunity is where your PVP and professional passion match a company's needs. Creating your PVP will keep you directed toward networking opportunities aligned with your end goals. You can build your Board Bio from your PVP to the forefront. 

Once your PVP and Board Bio are ready, it's time to tell the world. Here are some helpful tips when deciding how to curate your networking opportunities to best achieve your board of directors goals:

Build Your Personal Board of Directors

Networking doesn’t always have to be attending large gatherings or industry-wide events. By leveraging your existing sphere of influence, you can immediately create your own personal board of directors. Building this team is a strategic way to get mentored while building the trusted circle you need on your journey to the boardroom. This can be done by choosing 3 - 5 colleagues, mentors, friends, or family members who may have board experience or connections or can introduce you to influential individuals. Make a note to reach out at least quarterly to update them on your professional journey and accomplishments and to ensure you are always top of mind.

Utilize LinkedIn 

LinkedIn is one of the most underutilized networking tools. This professional platform is more than just creating an account and updating your profile. You should be leveraging LinkedIn in several ways for effective networking.  Comment on others' posts, share articles you enjoyed (tag/mention the author for bonus points and reach), give shout-outs to colleagues, celebrate your professional accomplishments, and actively network with companies and board members that interest you. Networking is not just about meeting people; it's about building meaningful relationships. Nurture your connections by maintaining regular contact, offering insight when possible, and demonstrating your value as a potential board member. Take this a step further by becoming an active thought leader on LinkedIn by publishing your own posts, articles, and updates. 

Engage in Board Related Activities

You can enhance your governance knowledge as well as connect with experienced board members by attending seminars, workshops, and training programs focused on board governance education. Take full advantage of any board-related activities you participate in by updating your personal board of directors, posting your experience on LinkedIn, and connecting via LinkedIn with other leaders you meet. There are several options for board education these days ranging from board readiness 101 to advanced board governance certifications. Our tBL Plus offering is an excellent option for both aspiring and experienced board directors seeking to mindfully expand their network and maximize their exposure to board directors and opportunities. 

Of course, attending industry-related events and conferences is a tried and true way to establish yourself in your field. But don’t just attend the event; ensure you leverage the tips above to continually demonstrate your expertise and value to your sphere of influence and beyond. 

See our blog, 5 Ways to Strategically Position Yourself for the Boardroom, for more guidance on the initial steps you should be taking when pursuing a board role.


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